While researching with a different recipe, I found another recipe for Jumbles! 😀
Above is just a refresher for anyone who isn't acquainted with Jumbles (pretty much just think aniseed pretzels).
Anyway, the recipe that I found today is from 1602 by Sir Hugh Plat in the Delightes for Ladies.
16. To make Iumbolds.
TAke halfe a pound of almonds beeing beaten to paste with a short cake beeing grated, & 2. egs, 2. ounces of cároway seeds, being beaten, and the iuice of a Lem∣mon, & beeing brought into paste roule it into round strings, then caste it into knots, and so bake it in an ouen, and when they are ba∣ked, yee them with Rosewater and sugar, and the white of an egge be∣ing beaten together, then take a feather and guilde them, thē put them againe into the Ouen, and let them stande in a little while, and they will be yced cleane ouer with a white yce, and so box them vp, and you may keep them all the yeere. (Plat)
(Plat, 1611)
Two major differences that I see between this recipe and the 1597 Dawson recipe that I previously used is the addition of almonds and lemon juice.
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